Stop the Confusion!
Stop the Boredom!
What is the real cost of an SME who confuses or bores their audience?
How many great probationary in employees drop out, because the SME relationship was so bad or the training was ineffective?
How much time does your business spend retraining to fix training deficiencies?
How many positions go unfilled, because employees are not retained?
If exit interviews are conducted, does the feedback reflect that employees felt bullied, intimidated, confused, and impotent?
How often are employees required to work more hours to fill the staffing holes due to employee turnover?
What workflow errors seem to multiply even though you train and retrain multiple times?
When you measure the down stream effect, what is the feedback from your customers?
What is the solution?
Click on the Image to see details
What people are saying
A definite mindshift...this course is a must for every pr...
Claire Dean
Anyone who is a presenter should take this course! I learned information that is critical about what makes information stick which is not what I had previou...
Read MoreAnyone who is a presenter should take this course! I learned information that is critical about what makes information stick which is not what I had previously understood. Eye-opening and concise information was given, and I especially enjoyed the creativity of the presenter. The exercises were also beneficial even though I did not want to apply a lot of effort in the activities. But I am glad I did! This course reformatted my understanding of how we learn....there was a lot of new brain formation going on :)! Thanks to Brainformative I now have significant tools to be a much more effective (and maybe even an expert) presenter!
Read LessEssential Info for All Speakers
Margaret Romney
I am a public speaking and communications coach and this course has enlightened me immeasurably about how to craft talks and trainings in order to increase a...
Read MoreI am a public speaking and communications coach and this course has enlightened me immeasurably about how to craft talks and trainings in order to increase audience connection, interest, and retention. Some of these principles I instinctively knew (like why to speak to advanced beginners in a room instead of experts). Now as I see and understand more deeply the way the brain works to learn new things, I feel I can shape talks, presentations, and trainings in a way so that knowledge transfer (speaking) has a much greater chance of becoming actual knowledge acquisition (learning and remembering). What an exciting change an organization would experience if meetings weren't dreaded and presentations were engaging as the speakers shape their material to match what their audience's brains need. Excited to see what comes next, and definitely signing up for Brainformative's offerings!
Read LessBut we have only scratched the surface.
You will learn how your Expert-Habits-of-Mind work against your audience’s ability to learn from you and how to fix it..
You will participate in excercise that will refine your content for the correct audience.
Organizational leaders and educators will have access to a plan for leadership development.
You will acquire facilitation skills that will draw the audience in and keep their focus and energy.
Knowledge Transfer to Knowledge Aquisition
Tap below to hear the preview for this
free bonus micro course
This micro learning course is so important we've included it in all of the Death by Bullet Point . . . No More (Foundations) series.
The brain is trying to do something very specific when it seeks to acquire knowledge. There is no shortcut or work around.
For people to GET what you are saying, the delivery must follow the rules.
The bonus micro course, Knowledge Transfer to Knowledge Acquisition, gives you essential insights to those rules.
Bonus ~ Google Map for your Brain
Free Preview for this bonus micro course
Your brain LOVES pictures and connections which means it craves the pictures you draw of the connections you see.
So when you make a picture of what you are learning . . .
There is a powerful, mega, amazing, exponential, geometric, on-steroids, type effect.
This bonus micro course will teach you to apply this connection effect to your learning. This technique will help you squeeze the last bit of meaningful deep learning out of this full course!
And after you see for yourself how mind mapping is a powerfully potent learning tool, you can put it into action in your presentations.

You will never see PowerPoint the same way again

Revolutionary Leader
John Immel
- Your brain is an amazing learning machine, unfortunately most training is designed to kill it.
- Wasting people's brains is a moral crisis.
- In the western world we are losing our ability to think.
These three intersecting realities do not bode well for the future.
So I'm setting out to fix the problem. I am your revolutionary leader whose mission is to bring learning back to the people and thinking back to the individual.
For those of you taking my courses . . . welcome to the revolution.
John Immel
How this all fits together!
The Novice to Expert Spectrum
Isn't just for nursing professionals . . .
The result is a powerful strategic and structural shift in knowledge transfer. If confusion and boredom is listed in the feedback of your presentations, the cause is the SME's failure to embrace the Novice to Expert spectrum.
Going from novice to expert isn't necessarily a dazzling process, but understanding the spectrum will stop confusion and boredom. This course is a deep dive into the spectrum with practical exercises that will align the audience . . . the correct novice to expert audience . . . with the content.
Additionally, this micro course contains a three part bonus section for organizational decision makers and high performing educators. It discusses how to leverage the Novice to Expert spectrum in talent and leadership development.
This is a must have for any leadership toolkit.
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
This course is for you if:
You are a high performer who wants a real edge in career development.
You have mastered your stage presence and nerves, and want to take your game to the next level.
You want want to transform your boring SME presentations into content people can't wait to consume.
This course is NOT for you if:
You have limited speaking skills or fear of public speaking. (Contact us. We have some recommendations)
You are comfortable with your presentation skills, and your multimedia achieves desired outcomes.
You are looking for a magic bullet and don't have time to refine your craft.
Cancellation Policy:
So what happens if this course isn’t for you?
No problemo!
As you will learn in the course Brainformative encourages adults to guard their intellectual energies with ruthless determination. If after 7 days the course doesn’t connect with your objectives we will gladly give your money back.